Text Accounts: Introducing Text's New Product and User Management System

1 min. readlast update: 08.31.2023

Text.com is proud to announce the launch of our new product and user management system. Text Accounts provides you with a complete oversight of your products licences and team members, providing a unified flow and simple user experience.

At Text, we believe in simplicity and efficiency. Our new service makes managing all of the licenses and users in the Text.com portfolio easier than ever. 

Admin Panel, besides focusing on user and license management, also takes care of:

  • user account security like passwords and 2FA
  • avatar management
  • organization level settings
  • roles management
  • basic billing actions

While still in BETA version, we're working to launch as many life-changing features as possible to make your work easier and more efficient.

How to access

Simply log in to your account on our website, and you'll find a direct link to Text Accounts under your avatar picture in the left bottom corner.

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